
Filtering by: Meditation

Embodying the Four Postures for Meditation
3:00 PM15:00

Embodying the Four Postures for Meditation

Hybrid Event

Join me and the Delaware Valley Insight community for an exploration of the four postures for meditation: sitting, standing, reclining, and walking. Using the fundamentals of embodied mindfulness that I have practiced and taught for 30+ years, we’ll discover how to get more comfortable and cultivate ease in each of the four postures, as well as the pros and cons of each.

Details Here.

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Intro to Insight Meditation
to Feb 13

Intro to Insight Meditation

In Person Course

Learn how to be intimate with experience without getting lost in it.

A six-week course in the basics of Insight (Vipassana) meditation. Establish or refresh your meditation practice. Explore the Buddha’s teachings on the roots of suffering and how to end it. Get calmer, clearer, kinder.

Registration for this event is now closed.

Details Here

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Loveable: Kindness & Compassion Practice
10:00 AM10:00

Loveable: Kindness & Compassion Practice

Online Workshop

Did you know that humans are hard wired for compassionate action? Extending unconditional love is in our DNA.

This workshop explores the practice of loving-kindness meditation, or metta, the act of wishing well for ourselves and others without exception. We will also consider compassion (karuna) , and the ways it differs from metta. The power of loving-kindness practice cannot be overestimated, and the need to cultivate real love has never been more immediate or urgent.


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Mindfulness for Anxious Times
7:00 PM19:00

Mindfulness for Anxious Times

Online Workshop

It’s not easy being a human being. Usually what makes us anxious is not so much what happens, but how we relate to it. Learn a different way to relate to the heart-mind, and discover your innate capacity for equanimity, to meet the ever-changing conditions of your life with less anxiety and more ease.


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Four Ways to Love: Meditations to Open the Heart
7:00 PM19:00

Four Ways to Love: Meditations to Open the Heart

What if learning to love yourself and others was simple, enjoyable, and possible?

Four Ways to Love is a short online course in the brahmaviharas, the four prized emotions or mindstates that give us a framework to cultivate positive behaviors and minimize harmful ones. Through meditation and discussion, we will explore one type of love each week: kindness, compassion, joy, and balance.


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Loving-Kindness Practice Group
12:30 PM12:30

Loving-Kindness Practice Group

Please note the schedule change - this group will meet the 1st Saturday of the month beginning June 5.

A monthly session for metta meditation, or loving-kindness practice. “Metta” is the Pali word for the act of wishing well for ourselves and others, without exception. The practice of loving-kindness strengthens our innate capacity to be less judgmental and more resilient. The power of this practice cannot be overestimated, and the need for people to cultivate real love has never been more immediate or urgent.

Freely offered on a donation basis.


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Awakened in the Stream: A Mindfulness Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

Awakened in the Stream: A Mindfulness Retreat

Join other curious seekers for a day of silent meditation and gentle mindful movement.

Put aside your duties, responsibilities, and social engagements for a day, and access a powerful support for the deepening of insight and for touching into deeper states of calm and peace. From the comfort of your own home, you can find refuge from the demands of daily life, and get back into alignment with your true self. Half day options available.

Freely offered at no charge. Donations gratefully accepted.

Click title for more information.

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What is MBSR and How Can it Help Me?
10:30 AM10:30

What is MBSR and How Can it Help Me?

You’ve been hearing about it, maybe your doctor or therapist has recommended it to you, and your aunt or coworker claims it changed their life, but what exactly is MBSR?

This free online one-hour introductory session gives a taste of what the full Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-week Foundations course is like, so you can decide for yourself if the MBSR training can help you right now.


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30 Days of Gratitude Celebration
7:30 PM19:30

30 Days of Gratitude Celebration

Join the Way Opens community for a celebration of everything we have been grateful for during the 30 Days of Gratitude!

Folks have been sharing their appreciation for life’s gifts on the Way Opens Community group Facebook page, and on this final day of November we’ll cap off the Thanksgiving weekend by hearing some of those expressions of thanks.

Disrupt your creeping holiday anxiety with sincere gratitude and the expression of thanks!

Freely offered via Zoom and livestreamed on Facebook.

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Mindfulness for Anxious Times
12:00 PM12:00

Mindfulness for Anxious Times

It’s not easy being a human being, and right now many people feel extra challenged by the uncertainty of current conditions. Much of the time, what ails us is not so much the events that happen, but rather the way we relate to them that causes suffering. So it’s wise to develop skills that can meet the situation

This live online class explores ways to relate to the heart-mind that cultivate acceptance, curiosity, and care, using whole body listening, meditation, and discussion.

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