
How to Remember to Remember

How to Remember to Remember

The Alexander Technique isn’t a set of exercises, but it’s crucial to practice every day. So, what exactly are you supposed to be practicing? And unless you’re a monastic or have the luxury of going on a long retreat, you’re not spending the majority of your time in meditation. So what can you do when you’re not meditating that will support and strengthen present moment awareness?

Start by seeing everything you experience as a place of practice.

This is Why We Train

This is Why We Train

We may have delusions about our ability to prevail against dark forces seeking to undermine all our good, hard work but the reality is that we can only use the skills and wisdom we possess. If we don’t have a reliable foundation to draw on during difficult times, we will be thrown on our behinds. You can only use the tools you’ve got at hand, only use them in the ways you have developed.

The Screaming Baby

The Screaming Baby

Are you the owner of your body?

This is a fundamental question that reveals perspectives on the body and how yourelate to it. And depending on how you relate to your body, you will inevitably move according to the nature of that relationship. Along with your mind, this is your most intimate relationship. Yet attitudes about the physical self go largely unnoticed.

Truths That Blow Your Mind

Truths That Blow Your Mind

Over the years I have heard statements that rang true and woke me up to reality. These are truths that seem obvious upon hearing, but also feel familiar because they are easily verifiable by direct investigation or experience. It leaves you wondering, “how could I have forgotten this?” or amazed that you’ve never thought of it in that way before. The truths that blow your mind.

The Joy of Choosing Gratitude

The Joy of Choosing Gratitude

Getting grateful shifts your perspective. Scientific evidence suggests that expressing your gratitude directly to someone, or just between you and the Universe, is the key to being a kinder, happier, more creatively engaged person. The ability to be thankful is built right into us, so we don’t need to manufactire it. Yet when we choose to practice being grateful, joy is the result.

Includes a Bodymind Experiment.

Love You

Love You

One thing I keep learning, over and over again, is to put myself first. Does that sound selfish and uncaring? It might, because we have been taught that in order to be really good, really loving, we must sacrifice ourselves.

You know this is false. You know that self-care is the cornerstone to a high-functioning life, where you are empowered and free to love and care for others. You know that you cannot pour from an empty cup and that putting on your own oxygen mask first is a wise instruction.

Return From the Ghost Realm

Return From the Ghost Realm

I was 30 years old before I realized that I was disembodied. Like so many people, I walked around thinking I was living a life, and of course I was, but most of my existence played out in my head. I had almost no present moment awareness of my body.

In taking Alexander lessons, I found something better than the short-term safety provided by shutting down or numbing out. I literally learned how to feel my body once again.

I used to think I was rather damaged or deficient in this area, that normal people didn’t have to remember to be embodied.

I was wrong.

I Don't Know

I Don't Know

Success and failure are both teachers. Whether the journey is supremely successful or fails to launch at all, the learning happens in the evaluation phase. One teaching I’ve gleaned over the years is that the willingness to sit with “I don’t know” is bound to increase a sense of wonder, curiosity, authentic interest. And that’s a good attitude to bring to all phases of creative endeavor.

There is a Body

There is a Body

It has been my experience over 25 years of teaching somatics and mindfulness that most people are in a state of senselessness. Almost no one is fully inhabiting their body all the time.

Learning to Pause, Sense, Repeat is an easy, practical way to more fully embody your life.

Includes a Bodymind Experiment.

The Power of Self-Love

The Power of Self-Love

I waved away notions of self-love as indulgent navel-gazing, an attempt to escape from the "realities" of the world and its troubles. Then I had an experience on retreat that changed all that. I began to realize how harsh I was with myself, and once recognized, this insight led to a huge transformation.

An essay called On Loving Myself can be a roadmap to move from self-loathing to self- love.

Expanding and Contracting

Expanding and Contracting

Life is fluid, dynamic, and always shifting. Ultimately, this is good news, but we have been conditioned to expect reality to be solid, fixed, and predictable. The essential groundlessness of our existence frightens us, or at best, takes us by surprise, and when that happens, we react by resisting. Habitual, unconscious resistance shows up in the body-mind as contraction. It is such a basic and common response to living as a human that we don’t even notice it. Yet the moment we do, we are liberated and can transform contraction into expansion.

Includes a Bodymind Experiment.

The Meditation Routine

The Meditation Routine

Daily meditation has been described as mental hygiene, and that’s true. Just as we brush our teeth, feed and clothe ourselves each day, sitting meditation can be part of your routine. It isn’t a matter of “finding the time” (a frequent complaint), it’s finding the best time each day. Every time we meditate we are training our minds and hearts to incline toward unity, balance, and steady calm. Even the least “successful” sit (whatever that means) trains the attention in this way. This is self-care for the soul.

3 Steps to Trusting Yourself

3 Steps to Trusting Yourself

It takes practice to discern wisely about what to buy, or how to meet our needs in general. We have a scarcity mentality that sometimes leads to FOMO. As modern consumers we have been programmed to react from a "Black Friday" mentality -- get it before it's gone. A lot of times we buy on impulse because of this, not from a sense of true need. So I find that a 3-step process can assist in helping to discern whether I'm following an authentic urge or a conditioned, habitual reaction: Pause, Check In, and Sense.

Days of Awe

Days of Awe

The 10-day period in the Jewish calendar is called the Days of Awe and starts with Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, and ends with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It begins with sweetness and light and ends with repentance, sacrifice, and purification.

All definitions of atonement remind us that the original English meaning was literally, "at-one-ment," the bringing together of beings who have become separated. Harmony, peace, and unity are attained. Wholeness is restored.

Visitors with a Tale to Tell

Visitors with a Tale to Tell

Lately I have been struggling with powerful bouts of despair and doubt, temporary but painful. While that makes me human, it doesn't need to dictate my day-to-day existence. The key is to recognize despair, negativity, fear, rage, and all these sticky heart-mind states for what they really are: visitors with a tale to tell.