The Joy of Choosing Gratitude

The Joy of Choosing Gratitude

Getting grateful shifts your perspective. Scientific evidence suggests that expressing your gratitude directly to someone, or just between you and the Universe, is the key to being a kinder, happier, more creatively engaged person. The ability to be thankful is built right into us, so we don’t need to manufactire it. Yet when we choose to practice being grateful, joy is the result.

Includes a Bodymind Experiment.

Resisting a Rest

Resisting a Rest

There is a difference between consciously resting and collapsing in an exhausted heap after working hard. It’s also not the same as taking a break to check your email or watch TV. Resting in awareness is restorative and rebalances everything. Really resting involves your participation.

One tried-and-true way to do this is Constructive Rest (CR).

Love You

Love You

One thing I keep learning, over and over again, is to put myself first. Does that sound selfish and uncaring? It might, because we have been taught that in order to be really good, really loving, we must sacrifice ourselves.

You know this is false. You know that self-care is the cornerstone to a high-functioning life, where you are empowered and free to love and care for others. You know that you cannot pour from an empty cup and that putting on your own oxygen mask first is a wise instruction.

Return From the Ghost Realm

Return From the Ghost Realm

I was 30 years old before I realized that I was disembodied. Like so many people, I walked around thinking I was living a life, and of course I was, but most of my existence played out in my head. I had almost no present moment awareness of my body.

In taking Alexander lessons, I found something better than the short-term safety provided by shutting down or numbing out. I literally learned how to feel my body once again.

I used to think I was rather damaged or deficient in this area, that normal people didn’t have to remember to be embodied.

I was wrong.