Walking is good for our muscles and posture; it helps to protect and repair organs and can slow or turn back the aging of our brains. With our minds in motion we think more creatively, our mood improves, and stress levels fall. - Shane O’Mara, In Praise of Walking
Take a Savoring Walk in the woods of Tyler State Park. What is a savoring walk? It’s a way to heal “nature deficit disorder,” and come back into balance with both our inner landscapes and the outer environment. A savoring walk uses all our senses to directly experience the joy of movement, the support of the earth, and the beauty all around us.
In this outdoor workshop we will begin together for a time of centering and a consideration of how we might best use our sensory equipment to walk with appreciation and wonder. You’ll get some helpful tips about balance, posture, energy, and ease in walking well. Optional hands-on guidance will be offered.
Then you will be free to walk for about a half an hour, alone or with a companion or two if you like. No cell phones, no earphones or music, no specific destination to reach. Just mindful embodiment that will open you up to the goodness that surrounds you.
We’ll gather again to share our savorings and discoveries, with some more tips on how to sustain the nourishment we get from being sensually connected to the natural world.
Fee: $25. One full and 2 partial scholarships available. Contact Amy for financial aid.
You will be sent details for where to meet in the park. Rain date: Sunday, April 27.