Do any of the following sound familiar?
“I’m tense all the time.”
“I want to feel calmer.”
“I’m worried about my posture.”
“I get so stiff.”
“Working at the computer exhausts me.”
Discover what fuels your stiffness, feeds your anxiety, creates that hurry mode, and wears you out.
The versatility of the Alexander Technique (AT) addresses all this and more.
With the Alexander Technique you can reclaim your natural coordination, and learn how to coach yourself to be more present, connected and comfortable in your own skin.
During our week-long online AT Summit our teachers will share their expertise in both introductory classes, and in workshops and events on a variety of topics and applications, such as: Creating a Happier and Easier Pilates and Yoga Workout; The Science of AT for the Layman; Listening to the Wisdom Within Your Body; Guided Constructive Rest; Finding Ease at the Computer; Seated Mobilizing for Riders, Athletes and Dancers; and more. (Full details below.)
All for FREE.
Attend one session, attend them all. It’s totally up to you!
Amy will be offering the Thursday noontime AT group class for free on October 8, and will teach a 30-minute class about healthy breathing on Saturday, October 10 at 10 am.
Please click here to learn more and register for any or all of the free events.
You have nothing to lose but your pain and discomfort!