Spend a little while exploring your amazing capacity for dynamic ease and balance in body and mind.
We will:
explore healthy breathing and how to make it an ally in every situation
practice some simple yet powerful Qigong moves
release stuck energy and tension through the power of mindful awareness
end with a guided meditation that will clear your mind, open your heart, and free your body.
These moves are simple, gentle, and can even be done seated. Our time will be divided equally between movement and rest.
Scientific studies reveal that people thrive when they can practice savoring, or bringing embodied mindful sensing to present moment experiences. Breathing well and moving with ease are ways to savor your life, and this class can serve as a laboratory and a training for everyday living.
Prepayment is preferred. Drop-ins and cash payment on site will be accepted.
Please register in advance, even if you plan to pay at the door.
Pay at the door (cash only) - $25