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Everyday Alexander: Shoveling

Everyday Alexander: Shoveling

Alexander Technique comes in handy when the snow flies. For those of us without snow blowers, it's a great aerobic activity, and pleasant if the temperature's not too frigid. Unfortunately, it frequently produces all sorts of minor injuries, aches and pains for people. If you find yourself with low back pain, twinges in your shoulders or neck, or other maladies as result of shoveling, pay attention to how you are bending and lifting when you shovel. Like vacuuming, raking, or gardening, shoveling is essentially about lunging. Some things to be aware of when you lunge:

·       Make sure your feet are fully engaged with the ground. As you stand in preparation, before you move to shift your weight, make sure that weight is distributed evenly across the soles.

·       Bend at the ankles, knees, and hip joints, not at the waist. Bent knees should be pointing in the same direction as your toes.

·       Don't scrunch your neck as you glide the shovel under a pile of snow.

·       When you lift, use your springy legs as levers -- don't make your arms and shoulders do more than they have to.

·       Again, make sure to keep your neck long and easy--don't pull your head back and down, or jut your chin out as you lift.

Here are some examples of how not to shovel:

Don’t brace your legs and pull down when you lunge. Align your torso in the direction you are shoveling.

Don’t bend at the waist, use your hips, knees, and ankles to lunge. Stop scrunching your neck.

I tried to find a photo of someone shoveling with good use, but I couldn’t. So here's an example of a squat and a lunge in combination, with hands-on guidance. It's a summertime gardening activity, but the actions of bending, leaning, and lifting are similar to shoveling.

Photo: Jano Cohen

Notice the long, aligned torso and coordinated bending in the ankles, knees, and hips, knees aligned with the feet. See what results you get when you allow yourself this balanced way of moving when you shovel. At the very least, avoid the compressed, hunched way of shoveling in the first photo, and the locked knees and upper body twist in the second. See how much less fatigued and achy you are when you're through.

Of course, we all work our muscles in a special way when we do manual labor like shoveling. A great way to reward yourself for your hard work is to lie in Constructive Rest for a few minutes when you're through. Here's some guidance for your "lie-down," as the Brits call it: Constructive Rest.

Now have some hot cocoa and a cookie!  Whatever you find yourself doing in this hectic winter season, remember to slow down, tune into yourself, and breathe.